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The Technological Alliance that Improves the Productivity of your Fiduciary Business

By its nature, the fiduciary business has an intrinsic complexity that makes it highly susceptible to operational and management risks. Each trust or autonomous patrimony is in itself a company that has to deal to a greater or lesser degree with everything a real organization must face: registering clients, keeping accounts, collecting, paying, managing its liquidity, managing assets and liabilities, pay taxes, report to control entities and a long etcetera. Added to this are issues specific to the particularities of each trust: managing securities, managing real estate projects, issuing and controlling obligations, securing financial flows or assets, and many other activities that are only limited by the imagination of those who structure the trust products.

Faced with this reality, in which the trustee becomes an administrator of tens, hundreds or thousands of “companies”, the growth of the company is followed by the problems of operating a business, but multiplied. Usually fiduciary operations, whether they belong to large banking institutions or are independent, tend to have little automation, which is generally focused on the accounting or financial part. This causes the information specific to the particularities of each trust to be recorded in spreadsheets or in systems that are not integrated with each other, which makes it difficult to manage the different businesses, while increasing the level of risk of duplicated or lost information. Compliance with the obligations of control entities and clients themselves is also greatly complicated. If the above situation is not solved, it may lead the trustee to put his main asset at risk: his reputation as a trusted third party.

Without automation, the risk of not performing adequate management multiplies with each business.

The comprehensive automation of a trust operation is therefore a sine qua non requirement for the growth and viability of a trust manager. Without automation, the risk of not performing adequate management multiplies with each business, and while it can be reduced by adding more personnel, its sustainability is not viable in the long term. How to deal with this automation then?

At GESTOR we are aware that the acquisition of a technological solution for the management of trusts and autonomous assets must be approached in the first instance from a functional perspective, but it must also be done from a strategic perspective as a decision factor.

From a functional perspective, our trust technological solutions provide the manager with a set of integrated tools that allow executing the necessary processes for the administration of different types of business, beyond the purely financial and accounting management. The Management Systems include features inherent to the nature of each business: managing investment portfolios in an investment trust, controlling the different stages of pre-sale, sale and construction in a real estate trust, allowing the record and control of underlying assets for a securitization or issuance of obligations, controlling the assets associated with a dynamic guarantee in a guarantee trust, and thus for each type of fiduciary figure. In addition, our systems allow for a high degree of flexibility to support future businesses that require a combination of different types of tools in their management. All of the above added to the ability of our technological solutions to meet the information needs of control entities and customers (accountability), and to easily interact with other systems of the organization, whether they are internal or external.

From the strategic perspective, the evaluation of the company that will provide the technological solution comes into play. It must be considered that, more than a specialized software provider, a fiduciary business needs a long-term ally. For this, the factors to consider beyond the traditional “due diligence” that reviews the company's trajectory and soundness, are those that one would evaluate in a business partner. Is the technology company able to bring knowledge and skills that contribute to the growth of the fiduciary in the long term? Does the company have a vision of the future that contemplates growing together with the fiduciary industry, covering the functional, regulatory and technical needs of the manager? Does the company have the technical skills to adapt to a changing technological environment in the financial world? These questions are relevant to establishing a relationship that enables the fiduciary manager to leverage its growth and frees its management from operational concerns to focus on long-term and strategic direction.

It must be considered that, more than a software provider, a fiduciary business needs a long-term ally.

Throughout over 20 years of experience, GESTOR has sought to develop the necessary skills to become a technological ally of its clients around Latin America. The technological products that we offer to the fiduciary environment meet the technical and operational needs of the different markets where we operate, providing the necessary flexibility to cover the different current and future trust figures and complying with the changing demands of the various regulators.

We know that the automation of a fiduciary business solves operational problems, but in a changing financial environment, companies also require a technological partner to accompany their growth, competitiveness and customer satisfaction strategies.

As a company, GESTOR goes beyond the development of technological solutions. We strive to build long-term relationships with our clients and be attentive to their business needs. The extensive trajectory of our team of collaborators in the implementation of our solutions, allows them to contribute with visions based on real experiences, which we encourage our users and technicians of our clients to use in the improvement of their efficiency and in the development of new business opportunities.

We firmly believe that beyond a client-provider relationship, the success of our clients is based on being able to leverage GESTOR as a technology partner, which provides a long-term vision based on constant support and the development of a portfolio of products and services that adjust to the strategies and challenges of our clients in addition to technical capabilities.

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